Braid Rug
Braid Rug
Braid Rug
Braid Rug
Braid Rug
Braid Rug
Braid Rug
Braid Rug
Braid Rug
Braid Rug
Braid Rug
Braid Rug
Braid Rug
Braid Rug
Braid Rug
Braid Rug
Braid Rug
Braid Rug
Braid Rug

Braid Rug


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The Braid series of rugs, part of the Classic Collection that features soft wool weaves in neutral tones, hand braided, coiled and stitched weave. Their intricate artistry offers visual and tactile texture and encourages exploration. Founded in 2017, the Armadillo brand, based in Australia and the U.S., runs a non-profit foundation dedicated to providing educational, health, and community benefits to underserved communities.

Material: wool - hand braided, coiled and stitched weave

Dimension: available in Ø1,82m or Ø2.43m 

Color: Blush, Mushroom, Oregano, Heron, Chalk, Charcoal or Pumice

Additional information: custom size available upon request: 388€ per sq./meter